“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” J.R.R. TolkienIt is that festive time of year again. But V and I were feeling less than merry.
We needed to get out of town for a long weekend and a change of scenery. V, ambitious and adventurous woman that she is, offered suggestions such as flying to Istanbul and Amsterdam.

Thankfully, she agreed.
The trip from Prague took about four hours. It can be done a quicker with less traffic and a heavier foot on German roads. Living on the east side of Prague adds some time to the drive. Also, I got lost in the center of Munich, which has inspired me to buy a sat-nav system.
The focus of the weekend was food and drink.
The first night, we looked into Hofbräuhaus, but it was touristy and insane, so we moved on.
We ended up having dinner at Haxnbauer. It's also a big, touristy place, but V said she had the best pork knee of her life. You can see them flame roasting on spits in front of flames in the window.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures there. I did find a good picture on someone else's site, here.
But to make up for it, I took plenty of photos of the endless offerings in the historic center's Christmas market.

I'd say the most popular stands in Munich were those selling Glühwein, usually for €2.50

It was served from heated pots. But I saw most of it came from pre-made Glühwein bottles that were poured in.

V stopped and got a bag of hot chestnuts, which are called maroni, for €2.50. The price varied slightly from stand to stand.

There were a number of things I wasn't too familiar with, not being an expert on German food. There was something called schupfnudeln for €5.00.

I saw baked apples with what looked like sugar bubbling out of the center.

It's not so easy to find it done the right way, with the coconut toasted into golden crunchiness and paired with good quality chocolate. I'm afraid I won't taste its likes again for a long time. Unless someone knows a source in Prague...
We had a nice walk through the English Garden and saw the Christmas market at the Chinese Tower.

It was great. A nice, peaceful break from the cold.
From the market outside, I had a fresh-cooked waffle with powdered sugar.

Back around Marienplatz, they were selling crepes with a multitude of fillings.

Despite its non-traditional nature, the dinner brought us great cheer before we loaded up our sled and headed back to Prague.

Nice post. I can't get enough of thoses sausages and sugared nuts, either. By the way, I also became horribly lost in central Munich last year trying to find my hotel, and have now purchased a GPS gizmo for my car. It's one of the best investments I've ever made. A magic device.
You mean you didn't pop into an (presumably uncrowded) Burger King? ;-p
I was too full of Christmas food (or sushi) to consider Whoppers for most of the weekend. I actually hoped to stop at a German BK on the highway out of Munich (for purposes of scientific comparison, mind you). But the detour was vetoed by the navigator.
good post and lovely pictures. I was hoping to go to the Munich christmas markets or Oktoberfest, I have managed to go to none of them. Maybe next year its better!
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